- I need to detect the welding point on a large metal pipe, so I'm thinking of putting a marker on it to locate it. A color differentiating sensor would then be used to detect this mark.
- 大型金属パイプの溶接位置の検出ですが、溶接位置にマーカを塗ることを考えています。それから、このマークの検出に色判別センサを使います。
- I see, but it seems that the marked position would be difficult to detect because of the influence of the uneven colors around the welded part, right?
- それでは溶接時に生じる周囲の色むらの影響でうまく検出できないのではないですか?
- Yes, you're right. Do you have a better way of doing this?
- そうですね。何かいい方法はありますか?
- How about using laser displacement sensors on the inside and outside of the pipe and detecting any change in thickness to locate the welding point?
- パイプの内側と外側にレーザ変位計を設置し、溶接部の厚みの変化を測定してはどうでしょう?